2617 N. Fowler Ave, Fresno CA 93727

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System Setup Screen:

The System Setup Screen allows you to configure the parameters of the dyno to your preferences.

Units  - Power can be displayed as kW, PS, or HP.  Torque can be displayed as Lb/ft, NM, or Kg/M. Pressure can be displayed as InHg / PSI, mmHg - Kg/cm, or KPA in either absolute or gauge pressure (relative to ambient).

Power correction - can be SAE, DIN, or turned off.  Power correction can be fully automatic (sampled from sensors) or manual.

Pressure input  - selects the type of pressure sensor you will be using - in this case, Dynamic - our standard Vacuum/Boost sensor.

Zero Map - Zeros the current pressure reading to current conditions when pressure is in gauge mode.

Volt Inputs - configures the voltage input to display raw voltage, Air/Fuel Ratio or Lambda, or turned off.

Temperature - assigns a label to the temperature graph

Lambda Type - Selects the type of Air/Fuel Ratio or Lambda meter you will be using.  The software has scaling values for many different meters built in

Fuel Type - Selects the correct scaling values and operating mode for Gasoline (petrol), Alcohol, Diesel, or natural gas (propane)

MoTeC Mode - matches the dyno input to the MoTeC output mode when a MoTeC  Gold meter is used.

Display - Selects between Lambda or AFR numbers for your air/fuel ratio display.

Torque display - Changes the home screen torque display between raw axle torque, or "axle torque / gear" (what most people think of as rear wheel torque)


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