What does a Dynapack package consist of?
Each Dynapack system sold in the USA comes as a complete package - ready to run.
The major components are:

Power Absorption Units (Pods)
Each package comes with two in a two-wheel-drive configuration and four in a four-wheel-drive configuration. Each unit is
supported by wheels to allow easy movement around the shop area. The hydraulic pumps are mounted on a pivot that automatically
compensates for camber or an uneven shop floor. There are data cables that connect to the main controller, and fittings to attach
water hoses for cooling. Since the pods are mobile, they are easily rolled out of the way for storage when not in use - saving valuable
shop space.

Hub Adapters
Four and five lug adapters are provided as standard equipment. These adapters are attached directly to the axle in the same manner
as the vehicle’s wheel. The adapters use a sliding washer design that is self-centering. Additional adapters for custom applications
are available on a special order basis. If you can bolt a wheel to it, we can fasten the dyno to it. Some vehicles may require special
adapters or spacers - ask your Dynapack representative for details.
An attractive cabinet houses the computer, printer, and controller unit.
The top of the cabinet has a platform for the monitor, keyboard, and
mouse. The cabinet features toolbox-style wheels for easy movement,
and occupies a floor space of approximately twenty-four inches square.
InnovateMotorsports Air/Fuel ratio Meter w/ Dynapack interface
Measures actual air/fuel ratio in gas, alcohol, diesel, and LPG
applications. Data is displayed on the computer screen. As with all
Dynapack data, it can be plotted against time or RPM on a graph and stored in
the vehicle's data file. Dynamometers can be equipped with dual meters as
an option.
Temperature Sensor
Humidity Sensor
Barometric Pressure Sensor
Housed in a tower style computer case, the controller performs the
electrical control functions for the power absorption units. A data cable
connects the controller to the power absorption units.
The computers are varied depending on application, but we typically us HP
business spec computers that carry a 3-year world-wide warranty with on-site
service from HP. Our software is currently run on Windows XP Pro, and operates with simple keyboard and /or mouse
commands. All data can be saved and recalled at a later date, or
exported for use in other programs such as Excel. Files can also be
overlaid for comparison
Monitor - An attarctive flat panel monitor is
Printer - HP Color inkjet printers are supplied
Keyboard - A standard HP keyboard is provided, and a mini -
touchpad keyboard is provided for in-car use.
Mouse - A standard HP mouse is supplied
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